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Indian cooking

Charity and swva is in every bone of mine and truly I understand give-receive-dance!

The Seva Kitchen in Ahmedabad run by Manav Sadhna is where I intrinically learned how a house can serve food with love and charity.  My son based on that love has over 6 years created a movie with slum kids(incidently the film was made at the same time as slumdog millionaire)and with people who make a difference with love and care.

I teach vegetarian Indian cooking and contribute many couple classes as auction items.  Last year I taught 800 people at libraries, park districts,at  Common Threads for children Taste of Chicago and at home.  For forty years I have served Asian Indians and provided services for all age groups in domestic violence, mental health, holistic health care and moving ahead.

I will be thrilled to do Karma Kitchen in Chicago, infact am determined to do it.  Any do and dont tips?

--Ranjana Bhargava on Aug 9, 2011

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