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Blessings at Karma Kitchen

Last week's crew smiled through an incredible afternoon that included beautiful song offerings by servers in honor of a guest's birthday, an impromptu cheer for the water-repair-man (yes the water supply did stop working for a bit -- and yes it was eventually fixed :)), not to mention a special table activity that yielded heartwarming results -- guests were invited to write a blessing for the soon-to-be-born child of one of the founder/volunteers of Karma Kitchen DC!

Here are some of the 'blessings' that people shared:

Bless you little one, with sunshine, warmth, smiles, love, hugs, giggles and a beautiful life full of abundance ... May you hear yourself clearly ... True wealth is good health and wise ways ... Life is a great place to explore; I recommend trying out music, ice-cream and hugs and moving on from there ... Just do it dude ... may each face you meet have smiles and stars in their eyes; may each embrace tell you how welcome and needed and appreciated you are for being with us ... may your child grow up to be guided by the wisdom of ancients ... that your life is full of music ... may you surrender to the divine light all around you ... may your child embrace science! ... joy, grace, love ... heavenly father, help us remember that we are all your children ... let your light shine brightly ... a little soul coming to dance with life ... As you will be growing up, so will humanity and you will embody this! ... may you appreciate the gift of color ... may you leave this world a better place ... east-coast-baby: yeah! ... may your early and later years be filled with laughter ... stay healthy, go organic ... may the challenges you face inspire grace and humbleness ... wishing you restful nights on a supportive bed of generosity ... may you be granted the wind rushing through your hai and the companionship of the warm earth and red leaves and a peaceful, tolerant, and diversly bustling world.

And this is Katie favorite, all from one sheet of paper:

I bless you to birth the world that lives in the secret innermost chamber of your heart, that the beuaty, truth & loving compassion of your soul song inspire multitudes to join in ego-dissolving harmonies liberating the ecstatic spirit of blissful union with the creator for all beings to celebrate.  Maybe it be so!

Not to be out down, :) here's a photo of us volunteers blessing Karma Kitchen, at the end of our joyous shift:

--Dishwasher on Jan 15, 2010

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