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A Dream From Two Years Ago

 Two years ago, I had a vivid dream that I was in a place in Berkeley,California, where the most amazing food appeared on the table, and I was surrounded by angelic people, who were intent of spreading a message to souls passing through. At the Karma Kitchen this weekend, I realized that this was the place my dream had showed me. When I looked around me at the table where I was sitting, I was surrouned by the loving faces of friends, who traveled with me to Berkeley from Portland, on faith, who did not know one another before the trip, and one by one, each of our talents became clear and necessary. But that is not all, i found myself sitting in between two very special and valuable people that I had lived with at two different times in my life, each living now in the Bay Area, who came to Karma Kitchen to be with our group and to give a hug--on my left, a man who taught me to love Islam and who encouraged me to fast this Ramadan and on my right a man who taught me to love the future. It was a peace and truth FULL moment.

--Ahimsa on Sep 9, 2009

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